
Monday 30 November 2009

Unattributed portrait....

As inscrutable as a new born baby...

I found this in my office the other day - no doubt the work of one of my boys. I found it utterly intriguing; brilliant. Probably says more about me than it does about the picture. I suppose all our pictures do really. 

Thursday 12 November 2009

Andy Parkin in Birmingham

Andy Parkin has journeyed with us over the last two years in the creative endeavour which has become "Andy Parkin - A Life in Adaptation".
In August Andy came over and as a team we tried to come up with the form for the DVD package which best represented the film.We knew that it had to reflect the collaborative nature of the whole process (which had been extremely important all along the way). We knew that it had to have a strong creative stamp on it - something which represented Andy's artistic practise. Andy took this away with him and set to work back in Chamonix. We had thought that he would produce a sort of limited edition run. Little did we know that he would return with about 100 original works. The process had taken him a good proportion of the summer and nearly driven him round the bend!
When we laid them out beside each other on the table they amounted to an amazing personal statement. It was an incredible piece in itself. Probably as close to autobiography as Andy will ever choose to get. Ironically this special release has moved even further away from being a DVD release - it is much more about the art. For all of us, I think that this has made it such a satisfying conclusion to the film.

Thursday 5 November 2009

Redditch's finest.

Obsession from Chris Doyle on Vimeo.
Rich Simpson, a bit like a cross between pinocchio and a pit bull terrier. Here in Chris Doyle's film he gives a bit of an insight into the intensity of character which has so far got him up "Action Direct (9a)", run a sub 4 minute mile and driven him to becoming a competitive amateur boxer.

Update: A lot of this climber's claims have been questioned and discredited since the original time of writing.
