
Tuesday 10 December 2019

Overview effect.
Earth meditation exercise.

Selfie 1.0

All flat earthers please look away. Thanks to Jenny Green for the video recommendation

OVERVIEW from Planetary Collective on Vimeo.

A great video which begins with the Blue Marble image before exploring the profound sense of wonder that the ability to view the planet earth has roused for those astronauts who have been privileged to see it. For the rest of us we can look at the images from the Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera.
Here's a challenge. Go the the above link and watch the image sequence as it covers the revolution of the planet. Use it as a point of focus while meditating/praying etc. Especially after having watched the film about the Overview effect (above but also here). It can be quite a profound moment in your day!
Now I'm not normally very susceptible to rhapsodic moments of wonder, clearly a failing in my part, but I was quite taken in by the coverage of the 50th anniversary of the moon landings this summer just past. I realise that there is an increasing number of people who doubt that it ever happened, but I confess to being sceptical of such scepticism! I was prepared by this flurry of celebration for a genuine sense of awe when looking back at the images.
 I seem to remember a documentary on the BBC  about James Lovelock's  GAIA "theory" in which a former astronaut was talking about this Overview effect. I can't recall the details and I must confess to being slightly uncurious about the various formulations of these ideas, even though I am a child of the 70's and subsequently susceptible to post hippy leanings from time to time. I would be curious if anyone could remember the programme (probably from the early 80's). I digress. 

Returning to the Overview effect. I want to keep it separate from that mention of Gaia theory, that just happens to have been how I originally became aware of the phenomenon.

Just focus on the image of the satellite relay, allow it to soak your attention for a while - it can give you an incredible sense of wonder. I hope it makes you more compassionate for the people in it rather than the reverse. I'd be very interested in what comes to you - please comment.
